lunes, 6 de mayo de 2024


Anna Llenas's popular Colour Monster is back, and this time he's heading off to school! But what exactly is school? A spooky castle filled with terrifying animals? A place in the sky, amongst the rainbows and clouds?

From music lessons, to lunchtime, to making new friends, the Colour Monster's first day of school is filled with exciting new adventures.

domingo, 5 de mayo de 2024


 Whether it's snowy, rainy, or sunny, readers can explore the natural world with Maisy and find out how wonderful weather can be. Packed with inventive pops and pull-tabs, and an entertaining, educational text, this is a wonderful book, whatever the weather! 



Over the course of a week, the tiny caterpillar munches his way through all sorts of delicious goodies. Starting with an apple on Monday and working his way through pears, plums, strawberries and oranges by Friday, he leaves a small, caterpillar-shaped hole in each fruit to show where he’s been.⁣

But by Saturday, the caterpillar is still hungry; so he gorges on everything from chocolate cake to salami until finally he is not only full but has a tummy ache! And then the most amazing thing happens, as the caterpillar is transformed into a beautiful butterfly.⁣


Grape and Mushroom are best friends, but they can’t play together because the Fruit and the Vegetables just can’t stop fighting. Their only hope is to visit the Wise Old Cheese on the Top Shelf of the fridge, something no morsel has ever managed before.⁣

The journey is arduous and full of peril, and when they finally reach the top shelf, the Cheese is sleepy (and rather whiffy). Despite their fears, he comes to help in all his mouldy glory. Peace is established and nowadays Fruit and Vegetables get on really well, and if things do get tense, there’s an old Mushroom and a shrivelled Grape ready to set a different example.⁣



¡Bienvenidas/as a este BLOG sobre libros en inglés y la primera infancia! Exploraremos cómo la lectura temprana enriquece el desarrollo infantil. ¡Únete a esta aventura educativa y emocionante!


Anna Llenas's popular Colour Monster is back, and this time he's heading off to school! But what exactly is school? A spooky castle ...